Mass production of lithium batteries Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company NameSite internet / URLName *First nameNameYour email address : *PhoneBattery usageLithium Batteries Vehicles and MobilityLithium Batteries Industrial ApplicationsLithium Batteries Tools, Alarm & TransmissionsMedical Lithium BatteriesAudiovisual and Digital Lithium BatteriesLithium Batteries Outdoor & Green SpacesLithium Batteries for Household Use VariousBatteries Lithium Usage Professional DiversBattery voltage:Less than 12VBetween 12V and 24VBetween 24V and 36VBetween 36V and 48VBetween 48V and 60VEntre 60 V y 72 VMore than 72VBattery amperage:Less than 5ahBetween 5Ah and 10AhBetween 10Ah and 20AhBetween 20Ah and 30AhBetween 30Ah and 40AhMore than 40AhBattery format *No importance123456789Item 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 8Item 10Item 11Item 12Item 13Battery dimensions (in mm)Height (mm)Width (mm)Length (mm)Number of batteries:Additional details:Send TwitterFacebookLinkedIn