
Transport and Recycling Burnt NMC 2T to 3T

Transport and Recycling Burnt NMC

Pro Lithium works for businesses, insurance companies, recyclers, repair centers and car dismantlers to support them in recycling. We offer fast and tailored solutions without delay to intervene from logistics to recycling.

Transport and Recycling Burnt NMC

Pro Lithium intervenes for professionals wishing to collect and recycle lithium batteries. Our service takes care of the collection by ensuring compliance with the regulations and directives for the transport of lithium batteries by protocols. Packaging packaging is provided with instructions to avoid the risk of fire. The collected batteries must be in good condition in order to guarantee the transport and the cost incurred in the separation of materials for recycling. Cells, modules and batteries of the NMC 18650, 21700, 26650 and 26700 type can be easily reused for a second life, however the condition and conformity of the battery is crucial for its recovery and reuse. In the case of burnt cells, we proceed to the separation of materials for recycling this operation can be long depending on the condition of the batteries.